New Technology And Enterpreneurship Opportunities

New means not existing, before introduction or discovered recently or now for the first time ;

New ideals means novel, original, imaginative, creative, experimental, contemporary or futuristic thoughts and concepts while New technology means recently develop, up to date, latest, current, state-of –the – art, advance, modern, cutting-edge or leading-edge practical application of science and technical knowledge.

The emergence of new technologies, inventions  and innovations to a large extent depend on the effort and sacrifices of researchers who worked day and night brainstorming on new ideas, concepts and inspirations resulting in the creative of new entrepreneurship  opportunities. The researchers do a lot of research to arrive at the desire results, what then is RESEARCH?

Research : is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions through experimentation, testing, analysis, facts-finding, fieldwork, examination etc. Development is the process of developing new and refined product or idea through forming, establishment, initiation, instigation, origination, innovation, on research that ultimately resulted in the new technologies that created that envisaged entrepreneurship opportunities.

Some of the new technologies are;
Ø  Information Communication Technology: the study or use of system [esp. computers and telecommunications] for storing, retrieving, and sending information. The proliferation of the availability of information and the accompanying changes in its storage and dissemination owing to the use of computers and the communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, or broadcasting is severally referred to as information revolution, computer age, jet age etc. This new information communication technology created entrepreneurial opportunities in the marketing, cloning and processing of hardware and software. The youths all over the world have since taken advantage of this entrepreneurial opportunity.

Ø  Biotechnology: the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especial, the genetic manipulation of microorganism for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc. this biological processes of exploitation and manipulation are equally used cassava, yam, legumes, apples etc. These are new entrepreneurship opportunities for students and young graduates.

Ø  Nano technology: the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules. Nano technology present a new frontier for entrepreneurship opportunities in the area of nano second measurement, nano robots development, nano bacteria identification, nano structure formation, laser ray usage in the medical sciences etc.

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