“Uncle didn’t come to my room,” I replied with a trembling voice determined not to betray myself.
Madam stared at me from head to toe with visible venom in her eyes.
She seemed to be sure that her husband had been to my room the previous night.
But then there was no way I could admit such fact even if a knife was put to my neck because the situation was more or less like an individual standing between the devil and the deep blue sea.

All the options before me spelt disaster.
Admitting that I slept with her husband was a very big offence on its own therefore, denying the offence was the better option.
Secondly, it was possible that madam could just be playing on my intelligence in a bid to find out the real truth by putting up that allegation to know what my response would be.
Admitting the truth would mean giving myself away cheaply.
So I hung on.

“What did my husband come to do in your room last night?” Madam continued.
“Uncle didn’t come to my room ma,” I replied hanging on tenaciously.
Madam snapped.
Like lightening her right hand flashed across very fast from left to right and landed with a loud thud on my cheek.
I cried out in pain and made to escape to the kitchen but madam sprang after me energetically and furiously and drew me back to herself to continue the assault.

More slaps landed on my cheek and my wailing doubled. Yet madam continued unperturbed.
She gave me a sharp push on the forehead and I hit the back of my head very hard on the wall behind me.
The pain was very excruciating.
I screamed out so loud at the top of my voice begging madam for forgiveness but madam wasn’t done yet.

I had made up my mind not to admit that her husband came to my room even if it meant losing my life because if mere denial could fetch such punishment, only God knew the magnitude of punishment admitting the crime would fetch.
So I hung on.
And madam continued with the beating.
It wasn’t yet up to one hour her husband drove out and all these were happening.
I knew I was in big trouble.

The aggression and brutality was much and unbearable, coupled with the fact that I still had more than seven days to stay with and endure the terror.
Madam’s hands soon started aching and she dashed into her bedroom and came out brandishing a long piece of twisted wire.
Three lashes of the wire on my shoulders sent me out of the house and into the environ with severe pain.
I couldn’t endure the pain, not even for one second, so I ran out of the house and out of the compound and into the neighbouring white woman’s compound.

Written by Mr Vincent Kalanda


What do you think the white woman will do this time?

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