Seven Powerful Secrets Of The Eagle


  Seven Powerful Secrets Of The Eagle

Studying the secret of the eagle can bring great insight for anyone who desires greatness in life and destiny.

There are certain Secrets of the Eagle that forms principles for success in the pursuit of life's assignment. These are secret include:

1. The Eagle Vision: Eagles have strong vision. They have the ability to sight and focus on an object five kilometers away. The Eagles will not move his when he sights on a prey until he grabs it. The first principle you need for success is vision.just like the Eagle, you must locate a vision, remain focused no matter the obstacles and you will succeed.

2. Eagles Fly Only With Their Kind: Eagles doesn't fly in the company of other birds like sparrows,Ravens and other small birds without the ability to soar higher.

You must locate your kind and fly with them. The company you keep is very important in that it can influence your determination to success. (Prov. 13: 20, PS 1:1-3).

3. Eagles Enjoy The Storm: Eagle love the storm. When cloud gathers the Eagles get excited. The storm is an opportunity for the Eagle to soar higher. The raging storm gives the Eagle advantage to glide and rest it wings to be lifted above the clouds.

You can use the storm of life to rise to greater heights. Challenges are opportunity and achiever use them profitably to soar higher.

4. The Eagles Maintain Faithfulness In Relationship: For this reason the Eagle tests before it trusts. When a male Eagle approaches the female Eagle for mating, the female Eagle flies down to earth with the male pursuing her and she picks a twig. She flies back into the air with male pursuing her. Once she has reached a height high enough for her. She lets the twig fall to the ground and watches it as it falls. The male Eagle chases after the twig. He must catch it before it fall to the ground. The male Eagle brings it back to the female Eagle, the female Eagle take the twig and repeat the same for the male to Chase and catch the twig before it get to the ground. This can go on for many hours until the female Eagle is assured that the male Eagle has mastered the art of chasing the twig- which signifies Commitment and Competent.

> The female Eagle will not want to be with uncommitted partner.

> Because the female Eagle stays with one partner for life, she is not in a hurry to enter into relationship with just anyone.

> When the female Eagle see that the male could catch the twig (commitment) she then allow him to mate with her.

> Many people has open their life to a total stranger. whether in private life or in business, we should test the commitment of people intending to partner with us.

 5. Eagles Are Raised Through Hardness: The Eagle family raises their young ones by training this to endure hardness. During the time of training, the mother Eagle throws the Eaglets out of the best where they have enjoyed comfort all their life. The Eaglets jumps back into the nest. Next, the mother Eagle throws them out again this time scattering the nest leaving only the thorns to prick the Eagles.

When they jump back into the Nest, again she then throws them this time off the cliff into the air. While they struggle and shriek in fear, the father- Eagle flies out and catches them up on his back before they fall and brings them back to the cliff.

By this process the Eaglets learn how to fly:

> To succeed in life and keep succeeding, you must hate the comfort zone. You must accept the fact that change is constant and prepare to adapt into every conditions of change. What we often refer to bad treatment from those around to us are actually intended to work for our good.

6. The Eagle Seeks To Renew Her Strength: The strength of the Eagle is her wings. when she grows old and the feathers become weak and cannot take her as fast as she would the Eagle, retires to a place far away in the rock in isolation. There she plucks out every feather on her body and stay in this hiding place until she has grown new feathers.

> We must learn to occasionally separate ourselves to be alone with God during this period, the Eagle couldn't hunt for prey so he starves and eat Minor things that he could find around him.

7. Eagles Do Not Eat Dead Things: They feed only on fresh prey. Birds like vulture eat dead animals but Eagles will not. There are things we must not allow to come into us. Be careful with what you feed your eyes and ears with, especially in movies and some kind of programe we watch.

If you love to indulge in sinful act, feeding on things that lead to death of your spirit and soul, the Eagle in you is gone out. You will need to repent from your sin and call upon God for mercy.

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