Success is the attainment of ones desired goals, objectives and dreams. It connotes satisfaction, emancipation and elevation from one stratum to another. Success comes after some dint of hardworking and discipline.

Everyone loves Success but does everyone suceed? Success rarely occurs accidentally. But, it results, almost, always when desire and knowledge are out into action.
There are remarkable blueprints or rules of success that can help you attain your goals and dreams. These are:

> Be prepared for opportunities: Exciting opportunities to excel abound in life. Get ready and take full advantage of them when they come your way. As each new opportunity presents itself, decide to benefit from it and limit or underestimate your ability.

> Strive for excellent: Do your best. Give your utmost; your best will get better. All Success start in small ways, so do not despise your small beginnings. Do the work better than you did the previous day.

> Be a team player: Work with people, share ideas, others will help you. Many Successful people are willing to help someone else to succeed. Watch and learn how they handled difficult situations.

> Be positive: Replace all Negatives with positive. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, good books creative ideas, and loving people; and you will find all Negatives automatically eliminated.

> Concentrate: Inability to concentrate is the cause of many failures. Concentrating on continuous improvement, no matter how small,  is the  easiest and most effective way to make a difference. Major accomplishments results when we consistently make many small improvement over a period of time. Every small improvement makes things better and brings you a step closer to major Success you desire.

> Luck is no Success: Success is not accidental; it is not a game and f chances. It entails intelligent planning. Successful people do not think much about luck. They gladly accept a little extra push or effort.

> Make new friends: Many new, important opportunities comes from new friends or associates. Expand your circle of associates if you desire to reach your full potentials. Put on a smiling or cheerful look while you do your work. Your bright face can win a new customer.

> Reserve some secrets: Every business has a secret. Do not give all your secrets to your competitors.

> Learn from others: Success comes easier and with fewer bumps and bruises when we learn from the experience of others. Be alert and watch others.

> Cultivate joint effort: Do not be alone ranger. A tree does not make a forest. All major Success is a result of people coming together to share ideas. Most successful individuals have help behind the scenes.

> Be generous and hospitable: Generous people are always more Successful than those who are greedy and selfish. Give honest compliments, encouragement, good advice, recognition and tangible forms of generosity. You may never tell,  you are writing your memories.

> Strive for quality: The happiest and mist successful people strive for quality, to be better. They are constantly looking for ways to improve. Be a world class.

> Spoil your employees: Decide to be the best employee your company will ever have. Be dedicated. Spoil them with your performance. You will then command a high premium.

> Be a man if integrity: We may not achieve complete Success without integrity. Be transparent in all you do.

> Be an expert in your field: Endeavor to be knowledgeable in your field of specialization. Experts are always able to command a premium for their services and usually enjoy prestige and recognition.

> Create values: Creating more values may be the defining difference between Success and Failure. To succeed, we must give more value to our services or products. Do your work more smartly, harder and more creatively to provide the best value possible.

> Take challenges: See difficulties, trouble and adversities as interesting experience and Exciting challenges.

> Be creative: Creativity is highly desired and often richly rewarded. Make small, innovative changes to the existing order, and you will become creative.

> Be diligent: Hard work is a precious gift that enhances your status. Shun laziness and indolence.

> Stay in touch: Say hello to someone. Call or write. That may ease off tension or depression on someone. All Successful people stay in touch with friends and associates or colleagues. It is smart to stay in touch. Most opportunities in life come from other people. Stay in touch.

> Move with Successful people: Associate with winners and some of their winning ways will rub off on you. Be around Successful and high achievers. They will help you in your quest for Success.

> Brainstorm: The way to solve most problems when you don't have the answer is to discuss them with competent friends, colleagues and associates. Brainstorm, someone already has the answer!.

> Plant ideas: Pass the ideas and knowledge you have to others(especially to your subordinates). There will be no development or ideas in the world if people hoard knowledge or ideas. Don't let your ideas die with you. Pass it on.

> Search for new and better ways of doing things: one of the fastest ways to succeed is to find new and better ways of doing things of value for people. Your daily work can be made better, more efficient or improved. Incorporate new innovations others have found.

> Copy the best techniques of others: Different people do excellent work in specific areas . Use other people's ideas or way of doing things if they are better than your own.

> Accept changes: Many find it difficult to accept changes. Change is inevitable in a changing world of technologies. Don't fight constructive changes. Be the first to accept and champion change.

> Do things differently: Don't follow ty he multitude in doing the wrong thing. We must examine the way we are doing things and change whatever or whoever is causing the poor results.

> Simplify things: Don't create complex situations. De-mystify Yourself or things and every thing will get easier.

> Study Success: If we want to be successful, it is logical to learn the secrets of success from those who have achieved Success. Study how others succeeded and you will increase your chances of reaching Success.

> Show appreciation: No one cherishes an ingrate. Grateful lips open closed doors. Gratitude opens greater doors if opportunities. Give a thank you card. Show appreciations.

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