Are you being too harsh to yourself?

Are you being too harsh to yourself? 

In the pursuit of perfection, at times, we push ourselves beyond our limits to such an extent that beyond that limit, we only break.

We all play varied roles in our lives, and in every role, we want to attain perfection. With family, we want to be their best support; at work, we want to perform ur best, and in our relationships, we do not want to give anyone a chance to complain. In pleasing everyone and attempting to be the best in every role, we sometimes forget that not everything we do will be perfect, and not everyone will be pleased with our efforts. 

We must understand that we, too, have limitations like everything else in life. It is ok if you go wrong, it is fine to forget things, and it is fine to take a break. No one is perfect, nor do you. You, too, are a human, not a machine.

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