How do you see yourself whenever you look at the mirror?


How beautiful it is to know that there’s an object that gives a perfect reflection of you called MIRROR! The mirror reflects one's physical appearance and also provides ample detail of adjustment.

Like every tool, the mirror means different things to different people;
▪︎A tool to affirm boast.
▪︎A tool for self ashamedness.
▪︎An affirmation of one's pride.
▪︎An affirmation of one's future.
▪︎A tool for self reassurance
▪︎A reviler of one's fear
▪︎A tool of condemnation

How do you see yourself whenever you look at the mirror?

Everytime you look at the mirror, two things are inevitable; It's either you like what you see or dislike what you see (room for adjustment). It's important for you to know that, how you see yourself is the way others see you i.e. seeing beyond the physical appearance. So next time you look at the mirror, this is how you should see yourself; 
▪︎Someone with great potentials.
▪︎Someone with purpose.
▪︎Someone Helped by God.
▪︎Someone that can make it.
▪︎Someone with positive impact on everyside.

Now, hear the conclusion of the whole matter, The Bible is our surest mirror anytime and anywhere! God’s word lives in us, in it you can get the true description of who you are and what purpose you have been created to fulfill. In any situation, look at God’s perfect word of liberty and get better understanding.

Simply Look and Live!

Thank you so much for reading this article

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