Is your slow pace making you feel like a loser?

Is your slow pace making you feel like a loser?

We all have our own paths in life. Some paths can be harder than others, and those hardships in life can slow people down. Slow doesn’t make anyone unsuccessful; it just means it will take longer to reach.

Our society has created timelines for us and made us feel we are in a competition against each other. When we consider ourselves a participant in the race, all we see are the people ahead of us and their achievements. All it does is makes us feel slow and defeated. When you are a part of such a system, it can be hard not to compare yourself with others, but the fact is that comparing doesn’t get you anywhere. You lose even the chance to improve yourself because you are too focused on others. 

Focus on yourself; success is your self-achievement, not comparing other people’s accomplishments. You have your own path in life; it doesn’t matter how slow or fast you are.

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