How do you manage intense emotions?
How do you manage intense emotions?
Emotional pain and anger are two very intense emotions that can be difficult to handle. If we don't balance our minds in such situations, we harm ourselves and/or our relationship.
The problem with most people is that their mind is usually agitated and unstable, so even a little trigger makes them a lot intolerant. If intense emotions are bottled up, it not only affects our well being, but it creates an unknown resentment towards others. One day we burst out and say or do things damaging to our relationship. When emotions are released in the fit of the moment, the same happens.
When you experience an intense moment, make sure you find the right time and a calm moment to communicate. Practice calming and comforting your mind through praying and meditating. It will not only make you calm but more tolerant. Remember, the problems shouldn't be ignored nor lived with, instead should always be addressed.
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