Building A Healthy Self-esteem

Note that the banking profession, just like every other profession will give you the courage to face challenges and the right attitude to work even in the midst of pressure and target. It will also help you to believe in striving for excellence through capacity building, attitudes and commitment to some core values. It will also help you to look into your tomorrow. Something must keep you motivated. It could be opportunity to make money in a relatively short period of time, or an opportunity to pursue other careers that will help you to help the unemployed, by way of creating job, so as to add value to the society.

No profession is time consuming. Some people would always say, for example, that banking is stressful and time consuming, therefore they cannot meet up with church activities and other engagements. If you manage your time very well, you will accomplish more. A key business drive for any profession is time. So, using your time efficiently enables you to successfully manage yourself and your work life balance. Time is like money, if you control how you use it, you create a profitable and productive working environment. But if you do not use or manage it well, you will not be able to balance your work life and other engagements. However, one cannot achieve the stated fact if she does not work on herSELF.

Only you can diminish your self-esteem and other you can restore it freedom comes with non-attachment to whatever says or does.
Self-esteem is all about you the way you feel about yourself and what you believe about yourself.
It is all about developing a self-worth by feeling loveable and capable. A low self-esteem creates a lot of problem for an individual such as hostility, nagging, feeling of unworthiness, grumbling aggressiveness, undue shyness and many other in healthy relationship trait. Building a healthy self-esteem in life is an internal journey which starts in the mind. To build it therefore, one has to maintain what I called the "I can mentally ", for one's manner of thinking reflects one's behaviours towards life.

Therefore, you must learn to do the following :

Know yourself : Socrates, the great philosopher said, know thyself ". You must know who you are and not allow people to define you. If you allow them, they will tell you who you are not. Fall in love with yourself without hesitation, be true to yourself. Never waits for people's approval.

Learn to speak positively about yourself : Remember there is power in power in spoken words. Tell yourself positive things. Learn to forgive yourself and those who hurt you at every point in time. Forgiveness boosts your self-esteem.

Be careful with negative minded people and negative comments that seek to disapprove you and pull you down. Avoid undue pressure from people that want to do their biddings and not what you are convinced to do.

Avoid hurting people : These are people who hardly see anything good in other people or in any excellent endeavors. They are like virus and arsenal influencial. They gossip, backbite, slander and do all manner of evils to pull others down.

Identify your fears and deal with it promptly: Anytime you have fear of the unknown, face it squarely. Everyone has failed at one point or the other. You are not a failure until you give up. So learn from your failures and move on with your life  failure is the mother of success.

Do positive things that make you happy giving, visiting, teaching, singing, dancing, reading etc. The more you do those things the more fulfilled you will be. Don't compromise your happiness identify what gives you joy and do it.

Contribute positively to someone's life : Each time you help someone succeed, you improve on your self-esteem for the joy of what you have done.

Recognize the fact that human beings are prone to mistakes : Don't destroy yourself because of the mistake you made. Without mistakes, you cannot learn some lessons in life. Accept mistakes but not defeat.

Analyze your strength, weakness, opportunities are threats, to know your value and limitations. Build on your strengths, improve on your weakness, maximize your opportunities and manage your threats.

Rewards yourself for any set goal accomplished : Appreciate yourself and give yourself a treats it could be inform of vacation, special gift new dress, car, shoes, bags etc.

As an adult, irrespective of your profession, you can choose the message you want to accept or reject. No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. Building yourself is a process and not something you can develop overnight. If your self-esteem is low start improving it by taking gradual steps to gain confidence in yourself. Just take the first step

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