THE MARINE : Episode 1

Hi my name is Vinnie, l am a business man who deals in cars and other machinery businesses. Life has been a wonderful one leaving a single man's life. I was always business minded, I had no time to waste on women, l was focused on leaving a rich life. I am just 25 years of age and l can say boldly that l am now a man. I have made it big, l have

my own house, cars and a whole lots of properties. I never sat for once to think about the word dating talk less of marriage. I enjoyed my friends company as every weekend we go to the beach to kill the day off. I was a good swimmer and l enjoyed it. As time was passing by l was been pressured by my parents to get married because they needed grandchildren, as l was their only child.

I always laugh at them crying for grandchildren because am not even ready for a grandchild. I developed this hatred for women when my girlfriend died in the university, l can never forget her in my life, since then l swore not to have anything to do with any woman again, even be it an angel. My business has now passed it equilibrium point, l had branches all over, money can never be my problem for the next 100 years to come.

The pressure from my parents to get married increased as my wealth increase. I planned to adopt a child but they never accepted the idea, l also planned to look for a lady who will only born for me and l will pay her off but still they refused saying l must get married. Life became tough as my parents became the barrier in my way. Marriage was the word l wished never existed in this world.

As am speaking all my friends are married and leaving happily but for me, l was not sure of getting married because l still had the pains in my heart. I really loved Tasila (my ex in the university), but her death keep flashing in my memory, anytime l think about loving again I begin to wonder if a girl like Tasila still exist on earth, from her

sweet soft voice which brings joy to my heart anytime it's troubled to her beautifully shaped body to her tooth gap she uses to grab my tongue anytime we are kissing. Tasila was just the description of perfect woman. Her picture is always on my heart when l am sleeping, l keep dreaming about her anytime l sleep to think about marriage. One day l went to visit my parents in the village, they refuse to come stay with me in the city for reasons known to themselves.

I really loved the village because it was a well ventilated village with a river where no one is allowed to swim or catch fish in the river, it is believed that anyone who disobey the instructions the river goddess shall kill the person. I finally arrived in the village on a fine Friday morning, my parents welcomed me with their first question and guess the

question from my mother: why are you here alone my son, l thought you were coming with a woman to present to us as your wife. That question alone made me regret coming to the village. I went and changed myself and left to the river side. As l got to the river side l was happy because it looked pure and my swimming appetite rose, l never believed in such superstitious believes, l jumped in and swam my heart out but as l was swimming something happened...
Written by Mr Vincent Kalanda


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