On getting home, my wife has already prepared me my favourite which we sat together to dine But as we were eating, my thoughts were all
over Bupe, her image kept reappearing in my
***what is wrong with me, why am I lost in this lustful feeling, I know I don't love her but I kept dreaming of having her*

I began to think not until I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder I suddenly jerked.
"Honey what wrong with you? " my wife asked as she dropped down her spoon "oh nothing let
continue eating" I pretended
"you tell me nothing because I have been
talking to you since morning but you were
carried away, why?" my wife asked.

"it was my boss.... It's really too much.
I can't tolerate him anymore" I faked out a story.
"oh that one, you just need to take it easy with him, you know he's your boss" She said.
caressing my shoulder
***What a good and loving wife I have, she
loves me real good but her friend is occupying
my heart, oh Lord help I thought.

"So will you eat now or I spoonfeed you" she
said with a seducing smile.
"Yes now, but not with a spoon but with your
mouth" I said jokingly and to my amazement my wife picked the meat with her mouth and transferred it to my mouth but me quickly sU-Ck but the meat and her fleshy lips together which
led us to a series of kissing before we ended the show in the inner room.

As days turned into weeks, The temptation kept coming from Bupe but I kept on overcoming it not until this particular Saturday morning when I was in the sitting room around 10am in the morning, my wife has gone to market to get
some ingredients for cooking, cos I decided to stay home because of the office assignment that
I had to attend to. Not long after my wife went out I came downstairs with boxers only on me.
Suddenly I heard a knock.

"Yes who's there?" I asked.
"It's me Bupe"the voice said from outside
On hearing this name I rushed inside to get a
trouser but unfortunately for me, she has entered before I could move an inch. Seeing her with her tempting dressing, her ups and downs, my eyes lit up, making my d**k to receive an erection.

"Oh I'm sorry to bump in like that" She said as
she was moving closer "Good Morning Smart"
"Please don't move closer Bupe" I said softly as I saw her motive.
"Smart, why you behaving childish, I really want you inside me please"She said as her eyes became more tempting.

"what are you even saying? Do you realize
who am I? your friend's husband" I said and by
this time I'm moving backward a little
"that doesn't mean. Smart, I'm dying for you, I really want you inside me, I want to feel your veins running through me. Smart, this is a golden opportunity for me please" she said
moving faster than before Immediately, she reached where I was standing, I was leaning against the wall, she suddenly

placed her hand on my bare chest running it
down me, but presuming what will happen, I pushed her with all the remnants of force in me and she fell on the couch looking at me like a
baby that was denied of sU-Cking it's mother's breast.

We both looked at each other for a moment before I broke the silence.
"Bupe I'm sorry but please don't try that with me again"I said as I rushed upstairs to get my trousers
But with ALMIGHTY GOD at my side my wife came earlier than expected, she met her in the dining room while I was in the bedroom. All I
could hear later on from the two is that they were having a gist and that's all.

***Ahah, women can be devilish at times, see how she showed an eyes service to my wife pretending like as if she knew nothing*** I thought How I wish if my wife could believe me and know who her so-called friend is'' I gave it a second thought again because I knew that at this level I knew that I have no power again because she has been revealing part of her body to me, my body want her, my flesh want her but my spirit and soul rebuked her, what am I going to do?
Will I satisfy my body and flesh or I follow my spirit and soul..... I'm truly now in a state of confusion....

Written by Mr Vincent Kalanda


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