Anglicanism...(I KNOW MY CHURCH)
> Advent - The coming of Messiah - it has four (4) Sundays.
> Christmas - The birth of Jesus Christ - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Sunday after Christmas - The visitation - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Epiphany - The presentation of Jesus to gentiles - it has six (6) Sundays.
> Septuagesima - The great Invitation - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Sexgesima - The cost of following Jesus - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Quinquagesima - The feeding of five thousand men - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Lent - The temptation of Jesus Christ - it has five (5) Sundays.
> Palm Sunday - The triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Good Friday - Jesus shows us God's love - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Easter - Resurrection of Jesus - it has four (4) Sundays.
> Rogation Sunday - Ask with a thankful heart - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Ascension - waiting for the promise/ Ascension of Jesus - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Whit/ Pentecost - The fulfillment of the promise - it has one (1) Sunday.
> Trinity - Three persons in one God - it has twenty six (26) Sundays.
N.B: Liturgy means the tradition of the church.
We have four (4) basic liturgical colours.
1. WHITE: It symbolizes happiness and celebration. It is used during festive moods e.g Christmas, Easter, Epiphany, Ascension day and Sunday after Christmas.
2. GREEN: It shows the dynamic nature of the church (i.e) that the church is not static rather a growing church. it is used during Trinity etc.
3. PURPLE/ VIOLENT: It symbolizes Royalty and sober mood and it is used during Advent and Lenten periods.
4. RED: The red liturgical colour is used during Saints day ( e.g. St. James the Apostle day).
Occasional Colour
1. BLACK: It is also used in the Church but mainly for burial (e.g. Good Friday and at other Funerals).
1. Advent - November
2. Christmas - December 25th.
3. Sunday after Christmas - Dec/ January
4. Epiphany - January
5. Septuagesima - March
6. Sexgesima - March
7. Quiaguagesima - March
8. Lent - March/ April
9. Palm Sunday - March/April
10. Good Friday - March/April
11. Easter - March/April
12. Rogation Sunday - April
13. Ascension - May
14. Pentecost/Whit Sunday - June
15. Trinity - June/July.
Anglican Mode Of Worship:
1. Sacramental worship
a. Baptism Service
b. Eucharistic Service
2. Matins
Anglican Practices
a. Baptism
b. Confirmation
> Baptism: is the sacrament by which God adopts us as His children and make us member of Christ's body.
> Confirmation: is the tire in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the holy spirit through prayer and the laying of hands by a Bishop.
Features Of Anglican Church
1. Content of the Altar
2. Pulpit at the left
3. Liturgical Colours
4. Sense of reasoning
N.B: The word Canticle was derived from a Latin word " CANTICULUM" which means " A Little Song".
Definition: Canticles are religious songs with words taken from the Bible or songs composed from the Bible.
Major Canticles
1. Venite - Psalm 95
2. Tedium Laudamus
3. Benedicite Omnia Opera - Daniel 3:57-58
4. Jubilate Deo - Psalm 100
5. Magnificat - Luke 1vs 46-55 ( composed by Virgin Mary)
6. Nunc Dimittis - Luke 24vs 29-42 (composed by Simeon)
7. Benedictus - Luke 1 vs 68-79 ( composed by Zachariah).
Some Minors Canticles
1. Cantate Domino - Psalm 98
2. Deus Miserator - Psalm 67
3. O gladsome light
4. Bless the Lord
Memorable Feasts In Anglican Communion
> Christmas day - 25th December
> St. Stephen's day - 26th December
> St. John the Evangelist day - 27th December
> The Innocent day - 28th December
> St. Andrew's day - 30th December
> New Year/ Circumcision of Jesus - 1st January
> St. Thomas the Apostle day - 21th January
> The Conversation of St. Paul - 25th January
> The Purification of St. Paul - 2nd February
> St. Mathias day - 24th February
> St. Mark's day - 25th March
> St. Philip's & St. James day - 1st may
> St. Barnabas day - 11th June
> St. John the Baptist day - 24th June
> St. Peter's day - 29th June
> St. James the Apostle day - 25th July
> St. Bartholomew the Apostle day - 24th August
> St. Matthew the Apostle day - 21th September
> St. Michael & All Angels day - 29th September
> St. Luke the Evangelist day - 18th October
> St. Simon & St. Jude the Apostle day - 28th October
> All Saints day - 1st November.
1. A.C.M - Anglican Children's Ministry
2. A.S.M - Anglican Student Movement
3. E.F.A.C - Evangelical Fellowship In Anglican Communion
4. B.B - Boy's Brigade
5. GB - Girl's Brigade
6. GG - Girl's Guild
7. W.G - Women Guild
8. M.U - Mother's Union
9. M.C.F - men's Christian Fellowship
10. W.A - women Association
11. A.B.F - Anglican Boy's Fellowship
12. P.C.C - Parochial Church Council
13. Y.Y.C.C - Year for the young for Christ Crusade
14. Y.A.C - Young Anglican Crusaders
15. A.Y.F - Anglican Youth Fellowship
16. G.A.F.C.O.N - Global Anglican Future Conference
17. F.C.A - Fellowship of Confessing Anglican
18. A.C.N.A - Anglican Church of North America
19. C.A.N.A - Convocation of Anglicans in North America
20. K.S.C - Knight of St. Christopher
21. I.Y.Y - International Year of the Youth
1. Primate - Your Grace ( n addressing" His grace, Most Reverend)
2. Archbishops - Your Grace ( in addressing" His grace")
3. Bishops - My Lord ( in addressing" His Lord")
4. Archdeacons - Venerable
5. Canons - Canons
6. Reverends - Reverend
7. Knights - Sir (man)
8. Knights - Dame ( woman)
9. Catechist - Sir
10. Other lay men - Sir.
Archbishops - Bishop's Court
Bishops - Bishop's Court
Archdeacons - Archdeacons Lodge/ Parsonage
Canons - Parsonage/ Vicarage
Reverend - Parsonage
Catechist/ Church teacher - Catechist house.
1. Chalice - This is Holy Communion Cup
2. Paten - This is Holy Communion saucer or plate from where the body of Christ is served
3. Flagon/ Cruet - This is Holy Communion Jug/water container
4. Purificator(s) - Small white linen or napkins used to wipe the other Communion elements
5. Belfry - It is a bell located directly under the tower of the church
6. Wafer - This is Holy Communion bread (unleavened)
7. Bishop's Seat - This is an exceptional seat for the bishop in all churches
8. Bishop's Throne - Bishop's Seat which is only seen at the cathedral
9. Clerical Seats - These are other seats seen in the chancel
10. Fonts- This is the place of Baptism in the church
11.Choir Stall - This is where choir seats are located in the church
12. Vestry - A room where church workers dress up before and after services
13. Rochet - This is a vestment like surplice worn by Bishop
14. Signet/Episcopal Ring - This is refers to the Bishop's ring
15. Cassock - This is a long clerical gown worn by priests and choristers under vestment
16. Stole - This is the symbol of the clerical office, immortality and the yoke of Christ, it so worn by priests and other Clergies around their neck that it hangs equally down their chest in front
17. Surplice - A lose vestment with fill sleeves worn over the cassock
18. Cope - This is a large mantle worn by clerics at some liturgical celebrations (e.g.Processions and Benedictions of the blessed sacrament)
19. Chasuble - This is a long and often ornate clothing worn by a Bishop or priest on the top of the main clothes.
20. Credence - This is a small side table which is kept in the South end if the chancel containing Holy Communion elements.
21. Chancel - A place in the church where Bishop, priest and Deacons sit.
22. Communion Rail - A place for kneeling during Holy Communion
23. Aisle - It so the passage between pews in the church
24. Pews - This are the congregation seats in the church
25. Western Door - This is the last door in the church and the main entrance
26. Lectern - This is where lessons are read
27. Reading Desk - This is where service conduction takes place.
28. Pulpit - This is a place of preaching in the church
29. Central Nave - This is the center of the main part of the church
30. Crosier - The Crosier is the shepherds staff used by the Bishops
31. Mitre - Bishop's small cap
32. Skull Cap - Is cap worn by the Archdeacons.
> Of Faith in the Holy Trinity
> Of Christ the son of God
> Of His going down into hell
> Of His resurrection
> Of His Holy Ghost
> Of the sufficiency of the Scripture
> Of the old testament
> Of the three Creeds
> Of original or birth sin
> Of freewill
> Of justification
> Of Goods works
> Of works before justification
> Of works of superogation
> Of Christ alone without sin
> Of sin after baptism
> Of predestination and election
> Of obtaining salvation by Christ
> Of the Church
> Of Authority of the church
> Of the authority of general council
> Of purgatory
> Of ministry in the congregation
> Of speaking in the congregation
> Of the sacrament
> Of the unworthiness of ministers
> Of Baptism
> Of the Lord's supper
> Of the wicked which eat not the body of Christ
> Both kinds
> Of Christ's one oblation
> Of the marriage of priest
> Of Excommunicate person
> Of the traditions of the church
> Of homilies
> Of Consecration of ministers
> Of civil magistrates
> Of Christian men's goods
> Of Christian man's oath.
Creeds are statements of our basic beliefs about God
It is a collection of beliefs or values of the Christian faith.
There are three(3) Creeds:
1. The Apostle's Creed: The Apostle's Creed which in the Latin means " Symbolum Apostolicum" is an early statement of Christian belief. This Creed is named Apostle's Creed because it is made up of twelve Articles.
2. The Nicene Creed : it is called Nicene Creed because in it's original form it was adopted in the city of Nicaea by the first Ecumenical council in A.D. 325 . It summarizes the orthodox Faith of the Christian council.
3. The Athanasian Creed: The Athanasian Creed (also called " Quicumque Vult) is a Christian statement of belief focusing on Trinitarian doctrine and christology.
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