Success and Failure
Failure and success
1. Failing a test examination or in any ramification of life especially after trying hard to pass it, can devastate your self-esteem. The humiliation of failing may worth it, if it Spurs you to learn from your mistakes and improve.
2. Continue to Change your approach until you achieve what you want.
3. One of the greatest problem of our time is that many youth are schooled but few are educated.
4. Going through school does not make you educated,but knowing why you are there.
5. Always believe that you do greater thing, he who believes is strong,but who doubts is weak.
6. The skills you learn in school may one day prove valuable on a job.
7. how can I come with peers pressure? Becareful with the kind of friends you keep, select your friends.i mean the good one if you want to succeed in your academics and future.
8. Bad relationship destroys ones future and academics.
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