Learning Success (There is a Way to do it better ... find it!)

Learning Success
Life generally is all about learning. From cradle to gray hairs, one never ceases to learn. You one day began to learn to talk, walk, eat, wear clothes yourself, write, work etc. We learn almost everything from someone else. It is fascinating to watch and learn how some people succeed in life and in their works. Certain traits like hardwork, energy, tenacity of purpose, discipline, determination, focus, integrity, dedication, loyalty, punctuality, promptness, alertness, etc helped them. Dub these traits, if you discover it's what made them succeed
 Learn Success.

In learning Success, it is necessary to discover the mistakes people who succeed made or the difficulties they encountered. Thomas Edison, the man who discovered electric bulb, performed 100 experiments and failed before he succeed in the 101st. When asked why he didn't give up after 100 mistakes or failures, he said, "If I failed 100 times, I have discovered 100ways of not failing". Learn from your mistakes!

I want to chronicle here, some of the quotations of successful people, which I think will challenge you to learn to succeed in your work and in life generally: 
> " The way to get ahead is to start now. If you start now, you will know a lot next year that you don't Know now and that you would not have known next year if you had waited" - William Feather.

> "Any age is the right age to start doing" - Gerard.

> "We cannot hold a torch to light another path without brightening our own" - Ben Sweet Land.

> "Keep true, never be ashamed of doing right; decide on what you think is right and stick to it" - George Eliot.

> "Sun is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces up, snow is exhilarating; there is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather" - Ruskin.

> "When we have done our best....we can await the result in peace" - J. Lubbock.

> "Fool me once, shame on you: fool me twice, shame on me" - Chinese.

> "The person when wins may have been counted out several times, but did not hear referee" - H.E. Jansen.

> "I had six honest serving men- they taught me all I knew. Their names were where, what, when, why, how, and who" - Rudyard Kipling.

>" Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises" - Demosthenes.

>"Have confidence that if you have done a little thing well, you can do a bigger thing we too" - Storey.

> "I cannot do it" never accomplished anything. I will try have performed wonders" - George Bunhem.

> "A man there was, they called him mad...the more he gave, the more he had" - Bunyon.

> "The greater at anything do not set to work because they are inspired, but rather become inspired because they are working. They don't waste time for inspiration" - Ernest Newman.

> "Lost... somewhere between sunrise and sunset, sixty golden minutes. Each set with sixty diamond seconds. No reward is offered for they are gone forever" - Horace Mann.

> "There can be no such thing as a necessary evil. For if a thing is really necessary it cannot be an evil and if it is an evil, it is not necessary" - Triorio.

> "Action may not always being happiness but there is no happiness without action" - Benjamin Disraeli.

> "Here is a simple, but powerful rule... always five people more than they expect to get" - Nelson Boswell.

> "In matters of conscious, first thought are best. In matters of Prudence, last thoughts are best" - Robert Hall.

> "It's so hard when I have to....and so easy when I want to" - Sondra Anice Barnes.

> "Talent alone won't make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time unless you are ready. The most important question is always: ' Are you ready?" - Johnny Carson.

> "Have Patience. All things are difficult before they become easy" - Saadi.

> "True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out if each day as it goes by" - E.S. Bouton.

> "The gem cannot be polished without friction... Nor you perfected without trials" - Chinese Proverbs.

> "A laugh and smile worth one hundred groans in any market" - Lamb.

> "I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun" - Thomas .A. Edison.

> "God gives every bird it food....but He does not throw it into the nest" - J.G. Holland.

> "Always do right. This will gratify some and astonish the rest" - Mark Twain.

> "A determined soul will do more with rusty wrench than others will accomplish with the tools of a machine shop(without determination)" - Rupert Hughes.

> "Money never starts an idea; it is the idea that starts the money" - W.J. Cameron.

> "If you are strong enough for a result... you will almost certainly attain it" - William James.

> "Successful people have learned to make themselves do the thing that has to be done when it has to be done, whether they like it or not" - Aldus Huxley.

> "There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest person" - Aristotle.

> "Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting" - Christopher Morley.

> "The person who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how much he can get for a dollar, is bound to succeed" - Henry Ford.

> "Today a Reader .. tomorrow a Leader" - W. Fusselmaan.

> "To avoid criticism... Do nothing, say nothing, be nothing" - Elbert Hubbard .

> "Experience shows that Success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is the one that gives all to the quest, body and soul" - Charles Buxton.

> "Either I will find a way, or I will make one" - P. Sidney.

> "Opportunity rarely knocks untill you are ready. And few people have been really ready without receiving opportunity's call" - Channing Pollock.

> "A good plan is like a wide map ... It shows the final destination and usually marks the best way to get there" - Will Rogers.

> "There is a way to do it better...find it!" - Thomas A. Edison.

> "God gives a helping hand to the one who tries hard" - Aeschylus.

> "Formula for fail... try not please everybody" - Herbert Swope.

> "Between two evils, choose neither... between tow goods, choose both" - Tyron Edwards.

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