Developing Self And Corporate Image

Developing Self And Corporate Image
The pivot of self-insured lies in how well you are satisfying the needs of other people or customers.
Your organisation has a considerable investment in you as well, and stands to benefit form any new skills you can develop and apply on the job.

Good human and customer relations are becoming more important than ever in this era of technological changes and automation. Intelligence, specialization knowledge, experience, talent, diligence even with all these without effective human and customer relations, you are not likely to be successful.
Majority of people who fail in business are failures in human relations. What makes one person more Successful than other? Success in any field results when appropriate knowledge and behavior are combined with skillful application, and this includes human relations.

Your self-image is an integral part of your personality. It is your ideas of who and what you think you are. The way you think about yourself is very much dependent on your ability to exercise personal power successfully in your life. All your actions and emotions in your workplace should be consistent with your self-image. The way you think and talk about your company is the vehicle to bring about meaningful change in you and in your company. You can alter your self-image by conscious positive thoughts using creative imagining techniques. This can be done by a deliberate effort, not mere wishful thinking.

A person's self-image must be consistent and realistic with his value system and the corporate image. You must be proud of your company and feel comfortable working in it and expressing it. The way you think and talk about your company command powerful influence on the consumers of the service or products of your company.
You should feel obliged to change or try to improve your self-image and your company's image.

Aristotle said,"Men acquire a particular quality by consistently acting in particular way". Visualize it, make it part of you. After repeated, sincere effort and belief that you possess these attributes, your subconscious mind will finally get the message: "The boss wants this new image, so let's move forward".

Creative imagining technique combined with unquestionable belief that your company will soar to the top and become the market leader, will virtually transform you and your company. Adopt the view that if everybody can dream it and think it, we can achieve it. So you begin now to see your company on the top of the ladder. Then you get committed and dedicated while improving your self-image to get there.

You must be ready to accept new ideas and perceptions. Positive declarations and assertions about things you want to change in the way you do things or work or interact with customers will certainly bring you to a new dawn and reality in your company.

Effective people need effective personality. Knowing how to bring our the best in you will bring out the best in others. People need each other to achieve goals that they cannot reach individually. So assert aspirations and dreams of success openly and to others in the pursuit of common interest.

The more positive self-image that you develop will result in more effective behaviour in Successful achievement of your company's goals and objectives. Every staff needs effective interpersonal skills in order to be successful. This is because he interacts with human and social elements in the work place. Loyalty, commitment, dedication, personal indentifiction with company's Success and human relations go a long way in improving corporate image.

A successful organisation is one that gets extraordinary effort out of ordinary people. Therefore to get every one on top performance, every one must imbibe the principle of self-drive and self-initiative. Improved self-image this translate to improved corporate image.

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