How do you manage when a relationship or group of people require you to change your true self?

How do you manage when a relationship or group of people require you to change your true self?

If you are trying to fit in, you don't feel that you are really a good match for that company, but due to social pressure and to maintain self-esteem, you are willing to make adjustments that you don't truly agree with.

Sometimes we face such a situation, and usually, people feel so pressured that they give up on themselves or their principles. It can be tough to stand out, especially when it is a matter of your work or someone you really want to be with, but such gains don't last long because we are only comfortable with our true selves.

Aim to improve yourself and make adjustments that go well with yourself, but if you have to give up yourself, it is better to step away and stop it in the first instance. 

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