Obviously one major cause of infertility today is Sperm Leakage.
Sperm Leakage occurs when after sexual intercourse, sperm pours out of the vagina either while you are still lying down or after some hours after you are up.
Types Of Sperm Leakage
There are two types of sperm pour.
Sperm pour while you are lying down or Sperm pour after standing up.
Let’s look at each type briefly.
Sperm pour while lying down – This is the most common type of sperm pour women experience. This type of sperm pour occurs immediately after the penis is ejected from the vagina after ejaculation.
It can get annoying seeing sperm seeping out from the vagina immediately after love-making.
Sperm pour after standing up – This type of sperm pour is the most devastating of the two types. Just imagine after making love . No leak while you are savoring the moments of sexual bliss and still on bed, only for the leak to come out after you must have slept and at times after you must have taken a shower before going to bed.
Or experience the sperm pour after about 2-3hours after sex.
Heart-Breaking isn’t it?
.Causes Of Sperm Pour.
Sperm pour is not only a woman thing, I am simply saying it is not usually in all cases that women are the cause of sperm pour. Men also are causative agents.
The following below will explore the makeup of the causes and how they can be fixed immediately
Infections, Low Sperm Quality, Cervical Mucus, Disturbing friendly bacteria in Vagina, Internal Heat, Antisperm Antibodies, Retroverted Uterus, Long Penis, D & C, Unexplained causes.
Listed above are the major causes of sperm pour after sexual union. Any of the above accounts for the high number of infertility cases experienced by families today.
Finally if you have a retroverted uterus which can only be confirmed by a scan, when having sexual intercourse with your spouse let him come from behind (REAR ENTRY) Having your partner enter you from behind while you're either lying on your abdomen or kneeling, could potentially promote a better shot at getting pregnant, as research published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found this position allows the penis to reach the recess at back of the cervix and, therefore, may allow sperm to be ejaculated closer to the cervix.
With these few points of mine, I believe I have convince you on the natural remedy for sperm leakage.
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