Are you trying to reason why something happened?

Are you trying to reason why something happened?

There is indeed a reason for everything to happen, but the reason doesn't always become apparent at that very moment. As we take further steps in life and experience something else, we usually are able to relate it to that previous event in life. 

Most of the events that we question in our lives are the ones that are unfavourable or unpleasant. We look for answers as to why something happened. Looking for a reason helps us find closure for that undesired happening. Without that, we find it hard to move on. 

If you ever experience such a situation, don't hold yourself back in time. You may lack clarity at the moment, but as time progresses and life unfolds, you will realise that there is always a much bigger reason behind every event that happens in life- to find who you are, to grow and evolve.

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