How do you manage an inferiority complex?
How do you manage an inferiority complex?
Feeling inferior means that we doubt our abilities which makes us feel insignificant. It is the feeling of being small or unimportant that leads many people into depression.
When we see others progressing in life, achieving high status, popularity and wealth, we look at our own life. If we find ourselves far behind, we may feel we are nothing in front of others. We may even feel what we are doing is worthless, that things won't ever change, and we will remain where we are. We need to remember every person is significant; we grow and fruit at different times.
If you ever feel worthless, look back at your life to remind yourself how far you have come and how much you have achieved. Continue putting your efforts and keep doing things that help you grow. What tomorrow you may turn into, you don't know.
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