From Ordinary To Extraordinary Student
Ordinary : Common, not unusual, does not think of change or improvement, static, stagnant, stunk figid, gaulible ,pluralistic, always follows the crowd.
Extraordinary : Much more than what is usual, or ordinary. Exceptional, remarkable.
Student : A pupil, a person who is studying at a particular place.
Ordinary Student : A person who is studying at a place with a specific interest but lacks a sense of direction and lacks strength of character.
Extraordinary Student : A remarkable and exceptional person who is studying at a place with s specific interest.
From : Indicates a starting place of separation between two contrasting events or places.
To : Towards a particular direction.
Overall Definition : A starting point of a person studying without a sense of direction towards been an exceptional person studying with a specific interest.
The interest is to achieve success in all human areas of development, which include : academics, spiritual and social areas of development.
Qualities of an Exceptional student
Time consciousness : The exceptional student knows the value of time and does everything possible to manage his time well. He maximize his time (Col 4:5) and has time for everything (Ecc 3:1-8). He does not allow each time or programme or activity to encroach into the other.
Obedience to Constituted Authorities : Before any man or woman can distinguish him or herself, he or she must obey everybody around him. He must not follow the crowd to disobey authorities. He should be ever ready to do whatever is required of him. He must bear in mind that obedience is the first commandment in heaven and that most biblical figures achieved victory through obedience.
Proper placement of priorities : "A man who knows what to do, plans and manages to do it well is to be called wise". The exceptional student always places the fear of God topmost in his scale of preference. He seeks the kingdom of God, which is the plan of God for his life, and its righteousness, which is his rightful standing. This affects other areas if his life and keeps him striving for topmost position in every good work (Matt 6:33).
Prayerful /Bible study : watching & praying is the greatest power on earth.
Strength of character : Always have strong feeling, committed heart & soul, determined to achieve. Whenever our hearts is in our task, we actually possess greater power.
Optimistic : Bright hopeful view of things.
Servant Spirit : They don't care who gets the credit.
They don't keep score.
They don't play the martyr.
They listen louder.
They are transparent.
They are sensitive.
They look down the ladder.
Creative vision : This is perceiving through the power of reason. Creating a mental concept to serve as blueprints of a goal accompanied by appropriate action designed actually to bring that which I'd desired to the one who desires it.
How to become Extraordinary
Choose a active Disport : The world is a mixed-up place (ie. Forever going back & froth-up & down). Our balance is always being tested. If you want to set the world straight, if you want to get your act together, you have to get your attitude right. Get your heart right. Everything you are & do are products of your attitude about life.
Your disport sets you apart, in one way or another active way or in active way. (Phil 2:14) do everything without complaining or arguing, right attitude is the foundation of successful living. Always think actively. Proverb 23:7,as a man thinks so he is. Proverb 4:23, guard your hearts. "Attitudes are more important than facts".
Will To, Whether you want To or Not :
Once you believe you can change your attitude and learn to be content in any set of circumstances, then you must decide you will change.
The fact is that you can will to change you can turn your life around. Abraham Lincoln said "People are about as happy as they choose to be ". A biblical principle is that if you will to do God's will, He will help you to His will. God does not work in an unsurrendered territory if you will, He will. Phil 2:12-13, God works in us to will.
2chr 16:9, God is looking for these to empower. "Grap your "wanter" by "willer" & yourself do what you know you ought to do, and God will help you do it ".
Act Better Than You Feel :
It is easier to act yourself into a better way of feeling than to feel yourself into a better way of acting. It is not hypocrisy. You are a hypocrite only when you deceive others into thinking you are what you never intend to become. Just be sure that behaviour will ultimately change your feelings. If you are depressed, get your mind off yourself and do things to bliss other people. The chances are that in a short time happiness will return. One of the most effective ways to change hearts and minds of men is to change their behaviour.
Use your compass when you are off course :
What is your aim in life? What is your great dream that gives your life direction, significance and a sense of purpose?. Have you checked in with God to see if your master ambition is as big as the one he has chosen for you. Have you hitched your way on to the right star? If man can only be judged with his aims.
"The pull to get off course is not just between good and bad, sometimes it's between good and bad". If what you came to do, you did, then you can say, "it is finished." You must learn to say, " I came to do my father's will, " and then do it.
Don't kill Today with yesterday :
Phil 3:13-14. You can't look yesterday's plowing on today's plowing.
Rom 8:1, No condemnation.
Cut your line when it's Tangled :
Act 2"37. We must be saved.
Don't go on with a tangled lifestyle.
Always cut the rope whenever it is tangled.
You will waste a lot of time fishing with a tangled line.
Take a quick but decisive action and continue fishing with the line untangled.
Keep cool, Even when you're Hot :
Anger shuts down an open mind. When you get angry, you're through solving problems.
Proverb. 22:24, don't make friends with a hot tempered man.
Proverb. 29:11, A full gives full vent to his anger.
Proverb. 15:18, A hot tempered man stirs disses.
James. 1:19, Be slow to anger.
Make your Relationship Right :
By people we are broken and by people we are put together again.
2Cor.5:18-20, Ministry of reconciliation.
People who need people are the richest people on earth.
When people withdraw from people it is a sure sign that life is becoming grim & miserable.
John.13:34-35, Love one another.
Go first Anyway :
Somebody was asked what will you do if you find out you're going crazy, he ans: I'll look for someone who is less fortunate to help.
When you build others, you serve yourself, too.
You have to just get out there and serve.
It's fun once you get into it.
Gal. 6:10, baby devoted to one another.
Avoid the stand-off attitude that says I will, if you will.
If you wait your turn, it may never come.
Matthew. 20:26, Whoever must be great must serve others.
Live young, Even when you're old :
Never stop.
Play it again.
Growing and changing.
Life experience down the valley (ps. 23).
Step 10 to Thinking Outside of Your Box
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