Effects Of Alcohol On Your Entire Body

Effects Of Alcohol On Your Entire Body
Alcohol can affect the body from head to toe. below are summary of effects that over consumption of alcohol would have on your entire body.

> HAIR: Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it can dehydrate the body. Shortage of water leaves hair brittle, dry and prone to split ends. Dehydration also starves the body of nutrient, and can cause deficiency of the mineral znic, leading to hair loss.

> EYES : Alcohol causes tiny blood vessels in the eyes to dilate, making the eyes blood shot. It also starves the body of nutrients needed for the eye health, which can lead to a condition called Alcoholic Optic Neuritis which may lead to blindness.

> HEART : Too much drinking of alcohol can lead to heart palpitations and is the second biggest cause if hypertension or high blood pressure. It is one of the top causes of heart attack and stroke. Heavy drinkers are at higher risk of weakening of the heart muscles causing shortness of breath, bad circulation and heart failure.

> THROAT : Acid reflex occurs when juices in your tummy back up the oesophagus. This can lead to inflammation of the oesophagus and ulceration.

> LIVER : Liver is responsible for breaking down the alcohol in the body but it takes one hour to eliminate one unit (half a pint) from blood stream. If you drink a lot of alcohol, the liver forms fat within it's cells. If you continue drinking heavily over a long time, it can permanently damage and scar the liver (CIRRHOSIS). This causes bloating and vomiting because the liver can't process toxins.

> BONES : Alcohol stops your body from absorbing vital none strengthen calcium from food and encourages the body to excrete magnesium also important for bone health. This means heavy drinking of alcohol can result in the brittle bone disease called OSTEOPOROSIS).

> FERTILITY : Much alcohol consumption can interfer with the woman's homorne levels, including production of Oestrogen and Progesterone, vital for ovulation and conception. So heavy drinking of alcohol may have an impact on a woman fertility.

> WEIGHT : Alcohol contains lots of hidden calories, just one glass of wine a day can lead to putting on over a stone in a year. Heavy drinkers are less likely to want to eat when they get home but some may skip it or eat junk food, which can lead to further weight gain. Obesity increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

> STOMACH : Alcohol irritates the stomach lining, which can lead to a painful ulcer or gastritis, which can cause cramps, abdominal pain and nausea. Excessive drinking of alcohol can put too much pressure on the veins of the oesophagus, resulting indigestive bleeding. Over drinking has also been linked to cancer of the colon and bowel.

> BREAST : Too much alcohol intake increases the risk of break cancer in women.

> MOUTH : Taking three units of alcohol a day almost double the risk of cancer if the mouth, throat, pharynx and oesophagus. Heavy drinking of alcohol may also cause gum disease and tooth infection.

> FACE : Alcohol make the small blood vessel in your skin dilate, leaving a telltale network of red lines on the checks and nose. This is called" BOOZER'S FLUSH".

> BRAIN : Heavy drinking of alcohol starves the body vitamins B1, which results to concentration. Prolonged heavy drinking of alcohol can kill brain cells . Alcohol is the third biggest causes of Dementia (loss of memory). Too much drinking of alcohol can also cause the brain to shrink, increasing the risk of epilepsy. It also affects the usual function of the feel-good chemicals, serotonin and dopamine in the brain.
Women have less water and more body fat than men and lower level of the enzyme that break down alcohol, so they get drunk easily and are more susceptible.
Avoid alcohol and say good bye to untimely death.

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