Success Factors
Success Factors
A person can be said to be successful if he achieves balanced Success in his career, family, finance, personal, mental, physical and spiritual life. For instance, you cannot be considered Successful in your business life if your home is in shambles or you always have street about your finances.
Success factors are yardsticks for measuring Success achievement. It is the rung of the ladder that enables you to climb to the realm of success. Your journey certain factors that promote Success will be a lot easier and smooth if you ride on these Success factors:
1. Relationship: Your ability to get along with other people is na indication of how successful you are likely going to be. Doing the right things can make you have good relationships with others and more Success in general. Who you know and how you flow with them can open doors. People don't buy products or services but they "buy" the people who are selling the products or services. First, you sell yourself as a likable and credible person, and then you sell what you represent.
2. Integrity: Honestly, they say is the best policy in business. Key marks of integrity are truthfulness, trust, straight dealing and consistency. Integrity on the job, in business, with your colleagues, and in the home should be constantly on display and builds good (customer) relationship and real Success.
3. Motivation: Most customers are independent in their thinking and they don't like to think that they are manipulated, pressured or coerced into any thing. They like to feel as though they are making up their own minds based on good information that has been presented to them. Be a teacher, a consultant, a trusted counselor who can be dependend upon to help customers get what they want of your products or services.
4. Right Skills: Without the right skills, you are limited in what you can do or accomplish. Your full potentials can only be realized with thorough training in the product or services and human relations. Sales people for instance, must have good skill or good customer relations and be able to answer questions that prospective customers ask.
5. Persistence: Dogged persistence is a great quality that leads to the road of success. Sheer and harsh persistence rarely fails in it's purpose, for it's solid power grows irresponsibly with time. The longer you persist, the more focused you become on the objective you pursue.
6. Persuasion: Your purpose in marketing your product or service should be to convince the customers that they will be better off with the product or service than they would be with the money necessary to buy the product. You are assuring them that your product or service will give them greater value than the money they pay.
7. Commitment: After you make plan and strategies, you must be willing to commit to them. Responsible person make reasonable plan of action to achieve organizational goals, personal ambitions and business objectives.
8. Right Connections: Get connected. Many people these days are doing a great deal of networking. Make new friends and be in touch with old folks. You need the right Connections to forge ahead. Right Connections can open doors, but what happens inside those doors is entirely up to you and your own persuasiveness and abilities.
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