One ability most people lack is the ability to maintain what they have. 

Over and over again, people are quick to acquire things but lack the ability to maintain it after acquiring it.

Relationships are not left out. We see different men and women fall in love, at the beginning stage just before the relationship starts, the man is ready to go any length just to prove to the woman that he loves her, and the woman will go any length to ensure that she truly loves the man before she says yes to a relationship.

But the problem is that the moment they accept to go into a relationship with each other, few months down the line everything changes, the guy no longer think it's necessary to move the mountain to keep the lady and the woman doesn't really show much to prove to him that she is still so much in love. 

This i call lack of relationship maintenance ability.

The truth is that for any relationship or marriage to last, both parties must learn to maintain what they have. They must keep moving mountains to prove their love every day. Just because you have won their heart doesn't mean you have won it forever. That heart needs to be won every day.
You must understand it is a continuous process.

The reason most men or women leave their husbands or wives in search for another is that they have failed to maintain their own relationship and are busy seeking for someone in another relationship who their partner is moving mountains to maintain.

She is fine, curvey, her clothes are fitted and you are busy desiring her when if only you can learn the law of relationship maintenance you can transform your partner to even look better.

Some married men allow their wives to jump buses to the office when they could easily buy her a car, some men can't motivate their wife to visit the gym to keep fit and stay in shape, even if it requires him to join her at the gym. How do you expect her not to look stressed out every day and out of shape?

For some women, they will never encourage their partner to go to the gym to keep fit, potbelly is coming out yet you won't say anything but you are busy looking for a guy with six packs. He is always at work, trying to ensure that the family lacks nothing but instead of using that time to ensure your family stays together by covering up for him at that moment you are busy causing him more stress with your constant nagging. 

See, it is not about finding the right partner only, its also about maintaining and nourishing that relationship when it starts. You must give your 100 percent when you are after her and must give 110 percent when you finally get her or say yes to him.

You can't stop what you started. You have to see it through. 

As an architect, i will tell you the truth "maintenance cost more than the actual building" this is because maintenance is a continuous process that never ends. So is marriage and relationship.

You will continue maintaining your relationship or marriage if you want it to be the best. You must be ready to pay the extra price of maintenance. This is the only way you will enjoy a trouble free and godly marriage.

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