BITTER MELON and its outstanding health benefits.

BITTER MELON  and its outstanding health benefits.

COMMON NAME: Bitter Apple, Wild Gourd, Egusi Melon
Local name : Egusi elili (Igbo), Bara (Yoruba),
PART(S) USED: White pulp of the fruit
The pulp of Citrullus colocynthis extracted in water has diverse healing properties few of which are;

1. Vermifuge action, that is WORM EXPELLING action.

2. Administered in cases of CHRONIC CONSTIPATION to procure free evacuation of the bowel.

3. The extract of the fruit pulp is utilized in the treatment of URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS .

4. It is effective in the treatment of ASCITES. Ascites is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.

5. Research shows that it helps in SHRINKING TUMORS , BENIGN as well as CANCEROUS.

6. When challenged by skin eruptions, there is no better herb to administer which is comparable to Citrullus colocynthis.

7. Reputed for dissolving ABDOMINAL tumors.

8. This plant possesses ANTI BACTERIAL properties.

9. This plant has ANTI CANDIDA activity.

10. Citrullus colocynthis can be relied on in the treatment of LUNG INFECTIONS.

11. It stimulates and INCREASES MENSTRUAL flow and as such is useful to ladies suffering from scanty menses. However, this plant is prohibited in pregnancy.

12. Citrullus colocynthis is a certified PURGATIVE herb.

13. It can help to reestablish flow of menses in cases of ceased menses also referred to as AMENORRHEA .

BARA uesd in curing Fibroid, Ovarian Cyst, Arthritis etc cut into pieces n boil and drink

Cut the bara into pieces and boil with pap water. Allow to cool. Take first thing in the morning and night. Note the taste is bitter and you will purge a little depending on yr system. Take it for 5-7 days.

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