Are you giving your life your very best?

Are you giving your life your very best?

Giving your best in life means that you are satisfied with yourself that there is nothing more you could do in any situation of life. When this happens, you are no longer worried about the outcome because you acknowledge what life brings to you is probably what you need at that time in life.

Most people want to reach high in life but they don't put in their complete effort. When the results are not as expected, they feel disappointed and often feel they did not get what they deserved. No matter how much you complain, if you have not given the required time, focus and attention for material goals, relationships or any opportunity you have in life, from deep within, you very well know that you could have done better. 

Our experience of life depends upon how much we give out to the universe. When you do something, do it wholeheartedly. The outcome might not be what you want, but you will never have any regrets of not trying enough.

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