I Regretted My Last Relationship 4
I Regretted My Last Relationship 4
"What is the essence of my escape from Fred's prison" this was my deep thought as I await the Lord's deliverance.
I have cheaply lost my virginity to a stranger and a criminal. Not even Fred! Fred did not even choose to touch me that night. I began to imagine how cheap I sold my life. It was as if I should be given another chance, God should just allow me to be a virgin once more.
Oh! I lost it! I thought on my wedding night, my just wedded husband will carry me and place me lovingly on our matrimonial bed, and sing songs of love, and play with me for so long, before he even deflower me. Oh! I lost all that. I was brutally deflowered. Not will honour and pleasure as I thought. What a shame to me!
Oh mum! You caused this all! Dave was a true love. I loved him with all my life. Had I know I would end it this way, I would have taken my stand, but No, I was been childish!
That night, the importance of obedience dawn on me. Was I not told? I was told to be sure of God's leading. I was told to find out the personality of who I want to marry. I was told not to plan to spend a night at a man's house before marriage. I was told not to date. I was told to have a mentor to guide my relationship. I was told to be sure if he is a believer.
I still remember how my pastor use to ring the bell "If You Are Not Sure, Don't Go Ahead!" Ah! I failed myself, I failed my God! Lord Jesus I have failed you! I'm so sorry Lord! Oh! I failed my pastor!
Pastor Johnson won't allow anyone fall into this shit! Only a disobedient child of his can fall into this.
I started crying again but now in deep prayers. I was there not more than thirty minutes when I heard gun shots, I became stiff. I couldn't move. I was so afraid. I have heard gun shots before, but not as close. It was as if it was shot in that house.
Before I knew what was happening, the house has been rounded with police. Two police officer entered my room, they arrested me. By the time I was brought out, everyone in that house has been taken outside, and they were all handcuffed.
My aunt came with the police, as she sighted me being brought out she was so surprised of how I looked. She busted into tears and was lamenting of her carelessness for trusting brother Fred for his fervency at church. That is not enough to believe someone is genuinely saved but the fruits. But she was happy at my miraculous deliverance.
Don't take this as just a story. Make sure you learn from this!
Thank you for following to the end!
For all of you that are not settled maritally, God will guide you. You will not fall into evil in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. Psalm:145:8
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